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Abigail Amanda Cheu Amanda Liu Angie Avryl Ayeshah Chin DeborahLiu Dian DORCAS Elizabeth Elsa's Old Blog ELSA's Current Blog Evangeline Farah FIONA Gayathri Germaine GINA Jeanette Jia Min Kylene Li Shan MARIANNE Natalie Pamela Phoebe Phyllis Priscilla Shereen Sherlyn Si Jia Teshura Thahira Tiffany Vivi Wendy Xin Fang ___________________ Fiona's Bake Shop ___________________ TKGS CHOIR blog TPJC Choir blog TWO FIVE '07 blog P.O.G 2008 blog P.O.G 2009 blog
Monday, April 30, 2007I'M PISSED.Nothing's going right. And hell yeah it's my fault to a certain or whole extent. Firstly, the CAs. I screwed Math and History, and may just have to attend remedial for both subjects next term. At least it's already confirmed for History. Wasn't prepared for my Math lah. WTH. I cried. But thank you Mrs Lee for talking to me later. History was kinda expected. Learnt the content, but because I've been daydreaming for most part of this term, I missed all the lessons on how to answer the SEQs and SBQs. And I say I want to do History next year. What nonsense. And there's the communication (or lack thereof) problem. If I really do love and care for them, I shouldn't be daoing them. Or just being plain lazy to talk. BUM lah deb. Anyhow, thank you's going out to Mrs Lee (again) for her words of encouragement / consolation, and Gayathri for being especially sensitive. Not that Gayathri's insensitive lah. But I trust you get my point. Labels: Screwing Screwed ALTO 2 '06 - '07; <33s. ![]() MARIANNE and uh, me. ![]() Not exactly in the best of moods, but I posted that anyway. Credits to Vic for the pic above and Fiona for the one below. Labels: SYF 2007 Picture Essay Friday, April 27, 2007OK so finally all the damn CAs are over.I SO WANTED TO GO TO THE AIRPORT MAN. Wan't allowed to though, because I was going alone. ??!! OK WHATEVER. Tuesday had better come quick; AVRYL has promised not to change the airport-date again. :P :O HAHAHAHA. I should be preparing myself mentally to fail Geography, Science and perhaps History too this term, because for Geog I was too high about the GWH and didn't manage to study; for Science I left about 13 marks worth of questions blank (the rest were almost 100% guesswork too); the latter, I just plonked in whatever info I had about WW2. So yes. Maybe I should go do that career quiz thing again. Get some perspective of where I could be headed for in the future. Labels: AIRPORT / CAs Tuesday, April 24, 2007TODAY WAS CRAZY;The *aftermath of getting a GWH's M-A-D. Before school started, we (Elsa, Fiona and I) became the HUGGING MOB, screaming "GOLD WITH HONOURS OH MY GOSH!!!!!" at any random chorister coming our way and hugging them. HAHAHA. PeiHsin poked me so many times lah when I met her after school at VideoWorld. "Yaye we did it!!" she said. Sure thing; WE DID IT. (((: OH WELL. This hapens only once - in - every - GWH, so yeah. Vic and / or JinLi please do the announcing in week 8 (likely to be the case because of the MYEs) ! Those might be your last official duties as President and Vice President yeah. TKG's SYF Results (Updated) BAND: GOLD CHINESE DANCE: SILVER CHOIR: (SEE ABOVE) DRAMA: GOLD MALAY DANCE: SILVER MODERN DANCE: SILVER STRING ENSEMBLE: SILVER Well done PA CCAs of TKG! Labels: After GWH / TKG SYF Results Monday, April 23, 2007On the other hand, I just realised that I didn't see the last of Mrs Lee's ThankYouForTheFarewellParty note. ))): Shall ask Carina if I can save the pictures from her blog tomorrow.MRS LEE, TKG'S 2E5 OF 2007 LOVES YOU BEYOND WORDS. Labels: MRS LEE So yes I shouldn't be here online when I have GEOG AND MATH to study for tomorrow. But I'm just so freaking happyyyyyyyyy. THE TK CHOIR GOT A GOLD WITH HONOURS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesyes. And I thought that not exactly happy expression from Ms Lim at the end of the Jap song was a BAD SIGN. Oh well. Just goes to show I'm a major major worrier. Went totally crazy on the train with Rachel when Shilbe called to announce the news. People were staring lah. HAHAHA. Mass messaged all the people who wanted to know the results, got congratulated lots of times... AHA. I was sharing the JOY!! LOL. -.-"' Agnes and Aisyah bombarded me the moment I went online. (((: THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR ALL YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT, PRAYERS, AND WELL WISHES. Special shout-outs to the CHOIR COMM, TEACHERS, MS TERRY and MS LIM too for all the pep talks, scoldings, guidance... Whatever. TK CHOIR WAN SUI!! I HEART YOU GUYS. XD Labels: GOLD WITH HONOURS Saturday, April 21, 2007YOZZIES. Today (actually yesterday because this is being typed after midnight) was crazyyyyyyyyy. Here are 10 reasons.1. There was quite a lot of stuff to bring today- Bag, GOWN, Gina's present (At this juncture I would like to thank the Indian stall for allowing me to borrow their fridge (: ) 2. I didn't finish my D&T journal, and held up a lot of people. I'm sorry. 3. D&T (Practical, no less) was dumb because I thought I lost my project. Looked for it in all the cupboards, and later found it on the TABLE DIAGONALLY BEHIND ME. And by then the recess bell had gone. 3. I finally participated ACTIVELY in group work for the first time this year. During music. LOL. 4. Running around to collect stuff, bring stuff up, have lunch, video stuff (Mrs Lee's thank you message) with EePeng may have been good exercise, but I stank so bad later, I COULD SMELL MYSELF. EWWWW. 5. Ms Terry came in to Choir today to encourage us for Monday's SYF!! WOW. What with the visualisation and all. It was super funny when she said "... You are in your pretty little (or something to that effect) gowns and..." lah. The whole Choir BURST OUT LAUGHING. :DDDD The gown, in case you're wondering, is no where near prom dress material, thanks. 6. Ms Terry inspired us!! We're more on the right track now, and it seems that if all goes well we will be able to at least get a Gold on Monday. XD Thank you Ms Terry. 7. For once, we all left Choir HAPPY, SMILING AND CONTENTED. (((((: And it's not only the annoucements (Which I shall not announce here lest I kinda die) Mrs F made at the end ok. 8. I was high for most part of the day. My apologies and uh, thanks too to Gayathri and Wendy who've put up with it for I don't know how long already. 9. It was Gina's birthday. 10. Uh, it's Avryl's birthday today. There you have it. BTW, HAPPY BELATED (OOPS) 14th BIRTHDAY TO GINALEE and HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY MS AVRYL LEE. I love both of you loads. BFF (Best Friends Forever) , and BFF (Best Female Friends). YEP, the heights of cheesiness I'd go to. But yeah. Good night, and I thank you too, the reader, for actually bothering enough to read till this line. Have a good night y'all. - :D Labels: 10 Reasons Tuesday, April 17, 2007Aha. Back! LOL.Finally. Still not sure how to do the FPS, but aiyah. At least I've done a wee bit of research. Feeling calm now. OR at least quarter calm. OK WHATEVER DEBORAH. KT Tunstall... Sings great songs. I've no idea who writes her songs, but I think the lyrics are great; really meaningful. I wish... We'd be talking like the old times. During recess, when we'd go hide someplace and just talk. Mrs Lee would stay, so I'd continue to be *obsessed about Math (As Gayathri said) That we'd be singing well (as in like really well) like we did last year; ie the time when Ms * was pretty much happy with us, and Choir wasn't exactly like it is now. OK i can't think of what else I'd want now. Perhaps the motivation that made me play the piano willingly just before the SAs?? Perhaps. I've once again been reminded of how blessed I am tonight; won't elaborate. Things change, sometimes not exactly for the better. The 5 terms and 4 weeks I've had at TK has been possibly the most colourful chapters in my life. I've met people from so many different backgrounds, learnt stuff about myself (yeah through the countless projects we've done thus far). How I'm not as responsible as I always thought I was, or spontaneous when it comes to giving ideas or suggesting stuff. Yaddayaddayadda. OK blame the sudden trailing off on that stupid COCKROACH which just flew by. I can't even scream; if my folks awaken and find me at the com, it's byebye for me. So yeah. GAH. Stupid roach. I was in this reflective-can-write-a-whole-long-post kind of mood until it came along. Damn. Maybe I should make it a point to make a few friends in R-AGE. I can't go on being am anti-social forever. AND. Make sure I write back to Evan, Phyllis and Amanda ASAP because I've yet to reply to their notes. (they wrote in JANUARY) See lah. I like it now when it's early morning and it's so quiet. (: But I have to be going. So bye. Labels: Peace Monday, April 16, 2007OK right so I'm not exactly happy cos here I am stuck at the computer again with not the faintest idea how to do that !#%&(_ )*^$@ FPS thing. It's seriously annoying. So strutured for what?? We're not gonna be part of the future government or whatever. Or at least I'm not interested. This SUCKS, thanks.Don't feel like replying to the tags now, so sorry to JiaMin and Fiona. My 2 *RMs... I don't know what to say lah; they seem pretty fed up with stuff (as seen on their blogs). [I hardly talk to them, so that's about my main avenue of finding out what's happening in their lives. ... OK don't bother asking me who lah. I'M TALKING TO MYSELF. Gayathri hope you make a complete recovery yeah. (: I hope Avryl will be able to make it on Friday for our dinner date at Changi Airport. OK WHATEVER. FREAKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. FPS... Down with it man. Really really don't like it. A perfect waste of time, if anything. Want to write more about them lah. But I don't know what to say, so I'll leave this post as it is. Update again later, hopefully. Labels: PSSH Saturday, April 14, 2007OK GRIEF. Someone tell me I'm mad can. One minute I wonder if I'm (emotionally) normal than the next i tear just that little bit. WTH. Okok go see the class blog.CLICK HERE. Go see the tags. The ENTIRE TAGBOARD is flooded with people upset about Mrs Lee's leaving. Which is really really unlikely for a rather *unruly bunch like us. Guess I agree with Jesslyn saying that we just CAN FEEL that she loves us a lot a lot. She just does lor. You can't really explain it. You just feel it. Yah. I think I'll write something special for her here on her last day or something. Not that she's likely to read it lah. But yeah. Speech day's today. In a couple of hours. All the best to every TKGian who's gonna be helping out (especially to the UG people in 2e5 involved in the GOH (: ) and congrats to those who will be receiving prizes (Wendy for Home Ec and Divyaa for Tamil [Higher??] ). RANDOM THOUGHT AT THIS POINT- SHERLYN KOH ZHU LING, please do not attempt to pull my eyelashes out anymore. Please. THANKS. LOL. Ok told you it was random right. ANYWAY, I'm done. HAHAHA. :D Labels: MAD Thursday, April 12, 2007
Forgive me for my current how-to video madness, but this vid about Peeling potatoes the Japanese way's really cool. Just note I don't fancy the accompanying commentary; no offence to anyone yeah. Just as well. Some rather contentless update. Not exactly in the mood to blog. IT'S GOWN-RECEIVING DAY TOMORROW. Should there be any choristers out there reading this, (which is highly unlikely but anyway) PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR COURT FOR SHOES TOMORROW. Wish us luck. Labels: How-To Vids Tuesday, April 10, 2007FPS is so not practical, ie sucks. I have no idea how to do it, and want to give up. But the thought of her chiding the group for being the slowest or whatever again tomorrow is just plain ... URGH I don't know. So yeah.There's so much I have to do; Math, History, Geog (which I happinly left in school because I thought my bag was "too heavy" LOL >:D ) and D&T. And that's just the homework. There'll be pretty major things happening in the next two weeks (OTHER THAN SYF) which I've yet to plan for so I won't freaking mess it up like I did last year. Also, the whole backload of people I have to reply to (in letters) because 1) I haven't written back to my Cell mates since JANUARY and 2) IT'S A SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF SORTS. OK whatever. I think I'm going mad. YESYES. Someone tell me how to get into that gown and look at least presentable can?? SWIM~~ I've wanted to do that for the longest time already but nothing's happened. Than there's the issue of communication too. I HAVEN'T TALKED TO AVRYL FOR XX DAYS ALREADY. Same goes for ____. Like when was the last time we held a decent face-to-face conversation lah. ))): Darn CA's too. I keep telling myself I have to study, but eventually I just slack. And you can certainly trust me when I say slack. So many things lah. !!!!!! Labels: Load / Stuff Today shall be mixed-media blogging day; if not the post is gonna be all weird rantings and stuff. Here goes.
You know sometimes I think it'd be cool to have a middle name. (:
Uh, I've yet to eat a black and white cookie??">What What Flavor Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Are You? Hmph. Haven't tried this flavour before, but it must be good. This is SOMEDAY WE'LL KNOW BY THE NEW RADICALS. I've listened to this song one too many times, but I dig it because the lyrics really rock. <33. Choir certainly didn't rock today. Got scolded for making all the same mistakes again. Someone cried. The gowns have yet to arrive (I hope they eventually look at least presentable), pep (sp) talks have ceased, some people smile when they scold, people can't stop talking / eating during practices, TK's Symphonic Band just got Gold (Congrats BTW), some (I pray not all) have been numbed in the entire process or are preparing for a letdown this year, Ms * has ____... Seriously how are you supposed to remain optimistic in light of all those things man. My apologies if I've pissed any non - choir people out there with my endless ranting on the state of all the SYF stuff, whether it happens when I just talk to you guys or here on this blog. I guess I'm looking for symapthy. But oh well. Not that it's gonna help. I just hope ALL my fellow choristers understand this plight. Labels: Mixed Media 1 / Pre - SYF Sunday, April 08, 2007I haven't done my Math homework, but I'm here. What the heck.Anyway. A QUIZ!! (Courtesy of Lydia's bulletin on Friendster) Don’t change your top 6 friends! - Fill the people in below! -Answer the questions truthfully! 1. Gina 2. Avryl 3. Elsa 4. Marianne 5. Wendy 6. Gayathri 1. Have you ever danced with number 1? [Gina] Don't think so. 2. Where did you meet number 6? [Gayathri] TKGS; 1e5 2006 3. Have you ever gotten drunk with number 4? [Marianne] No, we're underage. 4. Has 2 been to your house? [Avryl] CERTAINLY. The most among the 6. 5. Has number 3 ever seen you naked? [Elsa] NO. 6. Have you ever gone shopping with 2? [Avryl] I think so. 7.Have you ever seen 5 in a swimsuit? [Wendy] Nope. 8. Have you ever met 1's family? [Gina] Do her Friendster pictures count?? 9. Does 4 know your middle name? [Marianne] I don't have a middle name. 10. Have you ever eaten anything infront of 2? [Avryl] DUH. 11. Do you trust number 1? [Gina] But of course. 13. Have you ever fought with number 5? [Wendy] Verbal play fights, yeah. Many times. 14. Are any of your top 6 your family? No. 15. Have you ever done something dangerous with number 6? [Gayathri] I don't think so. 16. Have you ever slept in the same bed with 5? [Wendy] Nope. 17. Do you think 5 and 6 would make agood couple? [Wendy & Gayathri] NO. 18. Would 3 do anything for you? [Elsa] I guess so. 19. Has 5 ever helped you out? [Wendy] Yep. 20. Have you ever slept with your number 1? [Gina] In the same room?? Yeah. 21. Which have you known the longest? Wendy. 22. Who have you known the shortest? Marianne I think. 23. Has anyone in your top 6 seen you cry? I think Avryl and Elsa have?? 24. Have you had a crush on 1 - 6? ?? 25. Have you ever done anything illegal with number 2? [Avryl] Er, no?? 26. Will 1 - 6 repost this? Perhaps, if they're bored enough. TADAH. DONE. :D PSSSSSSSSH. I didn't have to tell her that lah yesterday. We're not even that close. But I guess that's kinda like the *price of honesty. She did give sensible advice lah. (Which I'm actually likely to follow.) I hope she didn't guess / imagine anything else. If not byebye Deborah. >.< I HOPE I'M NOT IN TROUBLE. Deb Labels: Quiz Courtesy of Lydia / Spilled Wednesday, April 04, 2007DAMNIT.Ok this is gonna be a PROPER BLOG POST. So here goes. The lessons today weren't very interesting. Maybe the HCL class was fun. But am too lazy to elaborate so 'shall leave it at that. CHOIRCHOIRCHOIR. It was crazy. Really bad. Ms L talked, scolded, screamed, then (I think) teared, shouted, left. Ms Y talked, frowned, lamented, cried, left. I won't be able to replicate the whole scale of things here because I've calmed down, but seriously Choir was ... today. I don't want to say that. But it really did. Some people cried. I did too. WTH. Never thought that the first time I cried in TK would be because of Choir. Anyway. So drama right. PSSH. Thanks though to Elsa, Fiona and whoever else who calmed me down and went "it's ok it's ok". Poor Choir Comm. Then after that Ms N just had to come and talk to us... Which honestly pissed us off even more. It certainly did not help the crying people to feel better or whatever. Marianne and I later had a really interesting conversation on the bus about all that had happened. I don't know what to say about this anymore... Initially we all thought that we really did stand a chance at getting GWH if only we'd get serious and practice real hard. But looking at the way things are now, we should be thankful for even getting a gold. I'm actually preparing myself mentally for a silver. Which is wrong. But in *circumstances like these, it's hard to be optimistic. Yeah sure a GWH will be a great thing. We'd be able to feel that sense of accomplishment, our seniors would be proud of us, the school's reputation for excelling in the performing arts will continue to be upheld and blah. We need both 1, a mircle, and 2, a spirit that will help us to cheong all the way and just give it all we've got. Pray for us. And together, we'll hope and do all we can for the best. Because deep down within us, we know that we just can't afford that silver. Deborah Labels: CHOIR T_T |