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Abigail Amanda Cheu Amanda Liu Angie Avryl Ayeshah Chin DeborahLiu Dian DORCAS Elizabeth Elsa's Old Blog ELSA's Current Blog Evangeline Farah FIONA Gayathri Germaine GINA Jeanette Jia Min Kylene Li Shan MARIANNE Natalie Pamela Phoebe Phyllis Priscilla Shereen Sherlyn Si Jia Teshura Thahira Tiffany Vivi Wendy Xin Fang ___________________ Fiona's Bake Shop ___________________ TKGS CHOIR blog TPJC Choir blog TWO FIVE '07 blog P.O.G 2008 blog P.O.G 2009 blog
Tuesday, June 26, 2007I'm going mad. This post you're reading now, is the third draft. Before this, I typed the post twice, and deleted everything. Intentionally.Anyway. One thing I realised today. I can smile like some loony on cyberspace (ie MSN conversations), but I may not be able to smile at the person I talk to online in real life. Even if that person is much more than an acquaintance. Hmmm. No wonder some say there's a bit of a problem with this generation. Not everyone, but some. Shoutouts: MARIANNE, DO GET WELL SOON. People need their scores, Ms QM! :D CHIN, THANK YOU FOR THE CHOCALATES AND NOTE! I know I still owe you 2 letters, after 123456789 days. CONGRATS GINA, FOR GETTING THE BEST CAMPER (SEC 2) AWARD! <3 Done with the shoutouts. The buzz now is this President's Charity Concert thing we're gonna do next week. 070707, at 7pm. Cool right. There're practices everyday from now to then (with the exception of the weekend and youth day holiday) Night practices should be pretty cool. We're combining with the SSO, some Adult Choirs and some other people. First time performing at the Esplanade, hope it'll be good. Also there's this competition trip to Prague that may take place at the end of the year, when the Sec 4s are done with the O levels. (Rational- So they'll be able to come along) If this trip does go through, I hope our fund-raising efforts will be very, very successful. Anyway. Mr Yap came to teach us for the first time this year. My gut feeling yesterday was right. He's changed; he's nicer. And I'm not saying that only because he extended our deadline for the SAIL task. He's just nicer now. I think I get what Mrs Lee meant that time when she said we should give him a chance. I'm glad I did. This was supposed to be up on the 23rd. It's about well, the significance of the 23rd actually. 23rd April, 2007. We (the TK Choir) got a GWH. Was really unbelievable especially with all the stuff that happened before SYF, but I'm really glad we pulled through. And for that talk Ms Terry gave us just 3 days before that changed everything. I remember that day; my missing of seeing the last of Mrs Lee's Thank You For The Farewell Party note, the make-up madness in the Beethoven room, Ms Lim's expression after the Jap song, that call from Shilbe, going crazy at the news, the uber funny blog entry Charlotte wrote about our result, the hugging spree the next day... You get it. I'm glad we were and are all in it together. :D 23rd May, 2007. Mrs Lee had her last lesson with 2E5 and 2E2. The hugs, tears, following around, talking and that lesson on quadratic graphs. (Which I honestly didn't pay much attention to; sorry!) It's not everyday / year that you get such an encouraging teacher who's friendly, helps to pull up our grades AND confidence, and everyone in class loves. But I guess we're really blessed for having her teach us in the first place, and I hope we were blessings to her too. All good things come to an end, and we wish her well where ever she's going. I know her future students will love her like we did. Or even more perhaps! Thanks Mrs Lee for everything. ^^ Hmm. Ok on to something more mundane. I must learn to turn off the lights and radio before going to sleep. -.- Because last week I left them on until I woke up in the morning 3 times in four days. My mum said I've to go without radio for a week. I think the ban ends on Thursday / Friday. Speaking of which, you never really realise what you have until it's taken away. Cliched, but it's absolutely true. Like when you have a stuffy nose, you realise you've taken breathing easy with a clear nose for granted. Or when you lose someone you love, you think back and realise how you always thought you'd go on to share your life with that person. Even little things like the radio ban for me. It's not easy going without the music, especially if it was your only companion in the wee hours of the morning just doing homework or dreaming. Speaking of which, I'm missing the *old songs they played on 987 badly. Sometimes for a long lonng time I'd hear nothing but new, released in 2007 songs that I don't really enjoy. Then, I'll just sit there hoping that they'll play something older. Not the 60s/70s/80s kind of old perhaps, but 2000-something kind of old. Oh well. Going off now. Credits to Gina's latest post for inspiring me to write such a longgg post myself; LOL. Thank you for actually bothering to read up to here. Have a nice day. Labels: Longgggg Overdue Post Saturday, June 16, 2007HELLO.I shouldn't be here, because I've only completed 3 pieces of homework. 2 Math, 1 Geog. Some random stuff. It seems as though half the world is on holiday now. Marianne & Gayathri, (Although I don't know whether or not it counts as a holiday to them) Gina, Faidah, Fiona; they're all overseas. LUCKY BUGGERS ALL OF THEM. Oh and my dad too. In the US no less! Though it's for some work thing lah LOL. AVRYL'S COMING TOMORROW FOR a 3 day 2 night sleepover; YAYE. : D Will probably let her guest blog or something. Ammusing things happen when you're at the library doing CIP, for example people coming up to you (when you're in school uniform with that tag thing around your neck) asking for info. Or people burping really loudly and not being embarrassed about it when you're picking books off the trolley to shelve. (Yes seriously it did happen) Just ask Wendy and I. After we've hit out quota, we could just write a book based on all those weird experiences lah. There're some more things I meant to say, but I can't remember what. -.- Okok. Shoutouts. TO ALL THE PEOPLE OUT THERE ON HOLIDAY, BON VOYAGE, ENJOY THE TIME SPENT WITH YOUR FAMILY, AND REMEMBER MY SOUVENIRS. It's late I know, but better late then never. And I was joking about the souvenirs. Not funny right. To anyone from P.O.G who may be reading this (though highly unlikely) : THANK YOU FOR THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT. I like it lots. [: TO MRS LEE, WHO COULD VERY WELL BE READING THIS POST. THANK YOU FOR BEING MY SILENT READER! :DD HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD! xD Okies this does it. Labels: Randoms 2 Thursday, June 14, 2007YOZZIES MOZZIES(:This sounds absolutely absurd, but I'm fed up with Geog. QUESTION 5 ARGH. The online assignment thing. I can't find the answer. Though everyone I know who's done it already made no mention about it. In other words, I'm the only nut who just can't get it. Piano gathering on the 20th = STRESS. Thankyou, but I'm not prepared for this at all. People always say "Whoa grade 8 ah" Then I tell them "No no I sound like grade 1" Obviously hardly anyone believes that until they've actually heard me play. !!?! Grief I've got major practicing to do man. If I flunk this, it's about 1.5 years of work (of sorts) and a 3 figure sum down the drain. SAVE ME. I'm thinking. If I ever do get an MP3 player, would I get just individual songs or entire albums?? Because I don't have a favourite singer / band. On the other hand though, it'll be really ridiculous to just listen to all my favourite songs on loop. Because by the end of 3 days perhaps, I'd get sick of them and swear of them for a while. Random thing. You know those Youtube vids show the day on which they were posted right? Today I noticed a couple of February 27, 2007s. WHY NOT THE 28TH?? I thought. But then I chanced upon Madonna's Take A Bow, and found one of those on the 28th so yes. :D Labels: GEEORG Tuesday, June 12, 2007Hello I know you probably don't care, but we have a new timetable. Below are some of the major changes:1. NO ENRICHMENT!!!! XD I couldn't ask for more. 2. What on earth is EN PE?? 3. Ditto for EN ORAL. 4. The Math teacher's name has been Changed. 5. Mr Ho's still teaching us! Thankful we should be. He's the teacher with the best temperament ever, I think. 6. We have a new PE teacher. 7. And, for EN PE, Mrs Tan (yes last year's PE teacher) is taking us. History's due on the first day of school! AHHHH. Must be going bananas. Couldn't sleep last night, so ended up doing Math. !! The Intensive Algebraic Revision thing you know? Up to day 6 no less. AHHHH. And I can't decide whether or not to use correction tape / liquid paper on my Math assignments. Hmmm. -.- Btw thank you Elsa for telling me there was a new timetable. I'd have been pretty blur otherwise. Ok that does it. Labels: Timetable Monday, June 11, 2007HELLO.Sneaky; mouse. Hmmm. It's weird when you know a song could be about you. Not written for you, but its lyrics being posted on someone's profile / blog. They say the first * you'll never forget. Ok honestly it wasn't really a first proper-anything. Wary beacause I know something now. Scary. And it was my doing! How great right. Forbidden fruit may initially taste sweeter. But later when you get to the core, (or perhaps even before that), it'll start to get bitter. And then you'll regret even picking it off the tree in the first place. On the other hand now, at least I've a nice new song to listen to. When I eventually (hopefully) feel stuff again it may bite. But for now, it's ok. Lit project meeting tomorrow. And, I've completed my first piece of homework. The Pythagoras theorem thing. YAY. Somehow I only feel like doing my Math. It feels the most definite. Or as what Jan says, Math and Science are the only 2 non-subjective subjects. Something like that. The rest, nah not so. History, Literature, Geography... you get it. So yeah. Labels: Something About You Thursday, June 07, 2007I've nothing much to say.Or perhaps I can say I've watched 2 movies so far this holidays. Blades of Glory with Dorcas last Wednesday, and Ocean's 13 with Wendy today. BoG was comical-funny, O13 was intelligent-flick typish. Pretty obvious right. But if you can go catch them. Still have yet to start my homework; I'm pretty screwed for that. I may be getting braces! Ahh. It's like.. I don't know. I want it but I'm scared of whatever pain that may come with it. -.- Yes how stupid right. ..... No idea what to say. Heymath seems to be down for the moment. Seriously sian. Labels: Ocean's 13 Monday, June 04, 2007AHHHH. So much to say. !Project meetings are a such a pain. It's so hard finding a date and time where the whole group can meet. No offence to any of my group mates. But yeah. It's kinda mind-blowing to arrange this nonsense, no. I'm pretty much screwed too, because I have yet to touch a single piece oh homework. ((: LOL. I know Su has completed everything so yes. Good job! Woke up with a sore throat today. And I keep eating ice for that. -.- LOL. Too lazy to drink water. It's more convenient to just go over to the freezer and get an ice cube. So I hope somehow tomorrow I'll wake up and it'll be GONE. Get well soon Gayathri. That fever has to go. Had a weird dream last night. It was at this random place, and uh I saw the .xe (figured that??) Went something like "what the *&^%$£@! are you doing here??!" in my head. Anyway. My mom was there with me too. And in reality she's heard about .xe (name and the whole damn process; yes I know I'm so freaking stupid) Anyway, in the dream, .xe talked to her, and he said "you know Deborah's a weird girl..?" or something like that. Perhaps the word wasn't "weird". It could be "quirky", or some other word to that effect. Anyway I freaked out. Yeah. I don't remeber dreams well. Was wondering how on earth .xe got into my dreams..??!! Never happened before. Like what did I think in the day?? (Because you know sometimes when you think about something / someone he / she/ it appears in your dreams that night??) So dumb right. What else is there to say.. Oh the class party thing. Friday?? I was free, but not really now. Was planning to do CIP wih Wendy at the library, and go for Math tuition after that. AHHHHHHHH. I STILL OWE CHIN, ELSA, MARIANNE & PHYLLIS letters or notes. Double letter for Chin, because I took so long to reply (I still have yet to actually), she wrote me another letter. I've owed Elsa for at least 3 months already. Marianne since she passed me my birthday letter thing. Which was a longlong time ago. So yes, byebye me. HEYMATH, you're on my wanted list. Labels: Randoms |