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CreditsLayout by yours faithfully at blogskinsnote: affiliates/links are the colourful boxes on the right of this column. :) |
Abigail Amanda Cheu Amanda Liu Angie Avryl Ayeshah Chin DeborahLiu Dian DORCAS Elizabeth Elsa's Old Blog ELSA's Current Blog Evangeline Farah FIONA Gayathri Germaine GINA Jeanette Jia Min Kylene Li Shan MARIANNE Natalie Pamela Phoebe Phyllis Priscilla Shereen Sherlyn Si Jia Teshura Thahira Tiffany Vivi Wendy Xin Fang ___________________ Fiona's Bake Shop ___________________ TKGS CHOIR blog TPJC Choir blog TWO FIVE '07 blog P.O.G 2008 blog P.O.G 2009 blog
Tuesday, October 30, 2007FINALLY, PICTURES! I could shake for joy, AHAHAHA.FIRSTLY, the pictures from the mugging session at Jia Min's on 070907. ![]() Presenting, The Host (and mugger no. 1)- JIA MIN!! ![]() JM loves her Ben & Jerry's(: ![]() We got you! WAHAHAHA. ![]() Mugger no. 2- FIONA! She loves her B&J too. ![]() Look up & smile! ![]() Fiona are you secretly eyeing your cookies?? :O ![]() Mugger no. 3- BRENDA. She murders with spoons. :D ![]() "Yes, Brenda?" ![]() Bren's eye. WOO. ![]() Mugger no. 4- Me. -.- Ahh. Another A2ian who digs B&J. ![]() My arm looks disjointed. -.- ![]() Ex direct junior and senior. ![]() FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD. ![]() Who knew B&J's Chocolate Chip & Cookie Dough could demonstrate uh, global warming?? ![]() B&J's New York Super Fudge Chunk. ![]() Essence of mugging. ![]() Gayathri, me and Wendy. Last day of school! :( ![]() This means, YOU'RE AT TERMINAL 3! :DD ![]() Check-in area. ![]() For the Java addicts(: ![]() Baggage collection. ![]() Departure hall. ![]() Belt no. 42 ![]() Wheeeeeeee. Cool! ![]() Gina you excited yet?? :DD ![]() FLY! ![]() Aerobridge. ![]() Nice waterfall. (: ![]() All this and more, but it's still partly under construction! Promisisng uh. BYE! Labels: LDOS, Pictures, Terminal 3 Updates on what happened from Friday on. Friday Last day of school. Baked rock cakes (though everyone else called them cookies) and gave them out to the CC people and some other fivers. [Oh and uh my apologies if it was burnt or anything. :P ] Rest of the day passed by in quite a blur. I think we had a rather ammusing assembly. Collected some exam papers, then returned to class. Played Uno with Ranice, Gayathri & Wendy, talked, stoned, slept, took back the scripts, filled in the class list with the options, got the lion magnet thing from Ms Seah (THANK YOU MS SEAH! It's very cute. :D), submitted various things, had Operation Clean-Up. My gosh I felt like such a slacker lah during the thing. All I did was to clear the kinda messy/crazy class cupboard, put stuff at the recycling corner, pick random things off the floor and help dispose of the trashbag later. -.- I really wanted to wipe stuff (tables, chairs and walls) with the rest of the fivers but I think only Gayathri was helping me with the clearing-up. So no choice. :/ Because I think wiping stuff is more fun somehow. Then, the bell went. Dhivya led the "3 cheers for 2e5 thing", and then (I think) some of us went round hugging each other and saying bye. Lol but being the zombie I was that day, I didn't. -.- Wasted opportunity really. Should've talked to more people. Anyway. Lunch was with Jocelyn, Wendy and Gayathri. And well someone joined us for a bit- MR YAP. -.- Ok nevermind that. Talked a bit here and there over lunch, then took photos with Wendy and Gayathri. Had to try 10 000 times before we got a nice one because I was the one who took it. -.- Was late for Choir after that, but I Think no one noticed. Choir was like ~~. That Vacuum song we did, Treble 2 has to buck up a whole lot. Mph. That includes me. Sakura, the last part Alto 2 needs to brush up on too. Choir ended; usual dinner at grandma's. Came home. Went online despite state of zombie-ness, because I didn't want to sleep early on the last day of school. Chatted on MSN with Hui Jun to discuss the worship thing for Sunday. Talked to Gina too, ahahaha. :D Made the whole day kind of better. Saturday Gah woke up really late. Like at 1+. -.- Had a really long SMS convo with Gina. ^^ Longest ever. I think I busted my limit this month. HAHAHA. Sunday Some of us at home (me included, no surprise) woke up too late, so my folks decided to go for the 11.15 service instead. I panicked lah, because I was supposed to do cell worship with Hui Jun today. But then because cell is at 9.30, it was like cannot make it already, so we're gonna do it this week. Sorry Hui Jun & Amanda! :S So anyway. Youth service, lunch, then TADAH- Visit to Terminal 3! :DD I was excited lah intitially. But then later it turned out to be kinda boring. Because the shops and all were not open yet. I mean of course I wasn't going there to shop lah. But yeah. It's quite nice. And the whole place cost don't know how many hundred million to build. 700+ I think?? And and. The seats in the place where you wait until your plane comes and everything?? They're like $800 a piece?? My gosh lah. So now you know where all the tax money goes. Took quite a number of shots there. Some with the family (which I really do not enjoy) and the others of the place. Ohoh. And there my dad got a SMS telling us that we've a new addition to the (extended) family! AHAHAHAHA. :DDD So cool. She's called Sarah Lock, and just how cute is that?? Wheeeeeeeee. So congrats Uncle J and Aunty S! ^^ Talked to Avryl on the phone for a bit; she may be staying over soon! (: Monday The tratdition of waking up late continued. -.- Had brunch, and waited for my turn to use the comp. by reading Sunday's papers. Then, tada I checked my email and realised Mrs Lee e-mailed me! WHOA. No boot-licking here okay, but I think she's the teacher that's most in touch with what's happening in my life lah. She actually still reads all our blogs even though she's not in Singapore anymore. I was so excited man. She knows stuff like how we're have a class gathering this week, and that posting day is on the 14th. Like wow. :DDD Did 10 000 other things online, eg submit the numbers of everyone to Emily and all, chatted with a couple people and yeah. Tuesday/Today Wrote Chin's long-overdue letter in the wee hours. Slept. Woke up at 10++. Had breakfast. And am going to have lunch soon. :S And. I'm gonna have to sweep the whole house and take the clothes out later. !!?! I don't want lah. Mum told me all this before she left the house, when I was still half-asleep. Maybe she thought I couldn't protest then. But I was like "so much??" and then she was like "aiyah it'll only take about an hour". Now I'm thinking she said that because she's kinda used to doing all this already; therefore it wouldn't take her as long to do it. But me?? HAHAHA. I may not like housework, but I usually do it extra-thouroughly. So it's going to take more than an hour, pretty positive about that. HMMMMMMM. Rest of the things I've to do today: Call Yicha, Write one more note & letter, call Avryl, finalise the visit to the doctor's for the OBS thing. Gah. Andand. The braces thing... I think I'll push it back. )(*&^%$£"! Or perhaps after it's postponed I'll decide I don't want it anymore. -.- Aiyah don't know lah. To be honest, I was quite psyched about it from the beginning. -.- But nevermind whatever. Happy letter-writing Gayathri, if you're going to see this anytime soon. Better go. This has been going on way too long. I'll upload Friday's and the airport photos when I can. Labels: Update 26/10 - 30/10 Saturday, October 27, 20072E5 '07 of TKGS as of today has disbanded, though definitely on friendly terms. The following is a description of the good & bad, high & low points we've shared together as a class, with one point for every fiver there is.35 Things We Have Done Together: 1. Hidden in a class cupboard and scared our nice Science teacher. 2. Greeted serious Literature teachers with cockroach feelers (just wiggly fingers atop our heads really) and curtsies. 3. Sung/hummed random songs to cover up handphones that have rung in the middle of lessons (and succeeding in every instance) 4. Set spaghetti on fire and tried X baking batter with raw egg in Home Ec lessons to the displeasure of our patient Home Economics teacher. 5. Produced top scorers in a few subjects. 6. Talked back when unreasonable demands were made. 7. Proved our mettle in non-academic activities- CCA and sports leaders among us, achieving whatever positions for TK idol, cheerleading and some art competition. 8. Held a farewell party and cried for a teacher whom we loved but was leaving. 9. Seen Math grades shoot up to previously-not-as-possible grades. 10. Driven our funny/dramatic Literature teacher up the wall with questions and answers on Animal Farm that did not make sense. 11. Survived the horrors of FPS. 12. Ponned CCA. 13. Travelled far and wide within the school compound for English lessons courtesy of our suggestion to have less classroom-based lessons and an accommodating English teacher. 14. Done reflections over dirty classrooms and drawing on tables. 15. Mugged, Hard. 16. Laughed at the antics of our quirky-funny D&T teacher. 17. Kept the class blog barely alive. 18. Cheered each other on at 2.4, complete with partner-running and hand-holding. 19. Survived sleep-inducing and butt/leg-numbing assemblies. 20. Done count-downs to recess, the end of the periods and the end of the school day. 21. Congratulated and consoled one another over test grades. 22. Checked out as many grades as possible when the mark list gets to us. 23. Scribbled random things on the whiteboard. 24. Lent PE tees to those in need of 'em. 25. Copied homework (with an occasional finding out from the teachers) 26. Had problems submitting stuff to the teachers. [No hard feelings here yep, haha(:] 27. Made last-minute donations to one another's donation cards. 28. Shared home-made goodies in class. 29. Come back from the toilet traumatised by X thing we've seen. 30. Watched Korean/Taiwanese dramas on the class comp over recess. 31. Bluetooth-ed songs to one another during lessons. 32. Been angels to our Juniors in 1E5 2007. 33. Formed friendships. 34. Learnt to love and accept one another for who we are. 35. BEEN THE FIVERS. Granted some say we're not as bonded as other classes are, but I'm sure we all have our share of memories being fivers. So as we move on to our respective classes in the next year, I hope that all these things we've shared as fivers will continue to be etched at the back of our minds, and that the friendships and bonds created will continue to grow strong. Learn to love your new classes, but make sure you never forget where you uh, came from. Well sort of. Ok I'm finally done with all my cheese. I'll try to put it up on the class blog later. Chow! Labels: For 2E5 '07 Monday, October 22, 2007Why am I always at a loss for words when I blog?? Grief I really have to get rid of this don't-want-to-do-so-I'll-just-anyhow-do thing. Anyway. 60.1% for this year's overall. Nothing to say. Not fantastic or surprising anyway. Butbut congratulations to Fiona, Wendy and Jeanna for getting the most improved thing yeah! (: Haha.Found out there's (what I think is additional) Choir prac on Friday. Hmm. After Operation Clean-Up, yeah?? LOL ok that was random. Ohoh. And the prinicipal's approved our going to Prague (Czech Republic) next year for competition, so yaye. I hope many people will be able to go, and that we'll be able to raise more money. Because, the number of people going is inversely proportional to the amount of subsidies we'll get. HAHAHA. Trying to un-rust my brain after the exams. :D Ohoh and speaking of Math, I tried out the PSLE Math questions in the Sunday Times yesterday. I could only do the 3 mark problem sum, thank you very much. And even then, I'd to do it with algebra first- Something that wouldn't have been possible if I was still in P6 anyway. So bleagh, but I'm rusty already. Sort of lah, huh. No school tomorrow, ahahaha. I'm gonna bake, if I wake up and am still in the mood for it. Cause Sam and Su (was it her?) have been bringing really yummy-looking cupcakes/muffins (I can't tell the difference) in the past few days, so the Hmmm. I'm bored. Shall do this thing. From Shereen (fellow P.O.G cellmate): List up to 10 things you want to say to ten different people in no particular order. Do not state who these people are. 1. Why are you guys so hottttt?? 2. COME OVER ASAP AND WE'LL MAKE THOSE BROWNIES! :D 3. I'm sorry; I know I could have been nicer to you this semester. 4. I'll see you online tomorrow, hopefully. 5. You look nice in that second photo on your post. 6. I don't know how (if I ever will) explain that to you. 7. See, your effort didn't go to waste(: 8. REMEMBER MY LIPBALM THE NEXT TIME WE MEET, HAHAHA. 9. I hope you don't think I'm stalking you. I... just want to know. As much as I can. 10. I haven't done the attendance for the 14th. :S 11. (Just an extra for the fun of it) AM I SUPPOSED TO ORGANISE THE CLASS GATHERING?? :O (OK this is a dead giveaway, -.-) Happy guessing, people. :D But don't ask me for the answers. No prizes for guessing right anyway. -.- Wheeeee. Aiyoh. I actually have a lot of things to say lah. But I don't know how to say it/am scared of the outcome/don't think I should or whatever, so I won't. HAHAHA. Sometimes, I wish people'd notice my moods more, but then again I've realised that I frown invisible frowns (yes I've actually checked it out in the mirror), and that if I'm really mad, I'll just rant non-stop and annoy people even if they're too polite to say it, so I guess this is partially a good thing. Not to be emo or anything, but yep. Better go! Labels: 10 things, Baking, Choir prac, overall, PSLE Math Sunday, October 21, 2007HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY DORCAS LEEEEEEE!!! Have a great/crazy/memorable year ahead. It's been great having you as a cousin. :DDSo yep I came back a couple hours ago from Dorcas's birthday sleepover thing. Had fun talking, laughing, singing, watching Lovers and Night at the Museum, eating out, staying up and going out. THANK YOU DORCAS, UNCLE D, E, AND AUNTY A (though you weren't there) FOR BEING GREAT HOSTS. And, to Aunty D, thank you for lunch + cake on Saturday. (: Aha. This birthday sleeopver thing's a great tradition. Started in about '04, when Rachel/Jael/me would go stay over during the PSLE marking days or simply over the birthday-weekend. Has continued ever since. Back to -reality-. My grades this year= die. Languages= best of the lot, but not outstanding; Math & Science= byebye; Humanities= okok; Art/D&T/Home Ec= ~~. I may not even get a choice of subject combinations eventually. And even if I somehow get a choice, Geog or History?? AHHHHHH. Labels: Grades, Sleepover at Dorcas's Tuesday, October 16, 2007NO IDEA WHAT TO SAY. I'll just post my stupid grades here then. All of the below, are the lower-tier grades. EL- A, History- C, HCL- B, Geography- B, Science- D. So I die. Maths and Lit, hahaha. I can only pray for the best. ALL THE BEST PEOPLE.Labels: 5 Grades Monday, October 15, 2007Ooh cool the guy in the video for Muse's Starlight actually plays the piano. :DD Cool. Like me! Except of course, he plays better. WAHAHAHA.Labels: Piano Guy Hmmmm. Today's been ok, I guess. Got peeled out of bed to "go to the beach, and maybe do some kayaking" (I'm supposed to have a family outing today) But then later we went to Macritchie-Pierce for the Tree-Top Walk (TTW) thing. So off we went. Got there, walked about 45 minutes to the TTW. About 3-quarters of the way there, the guy said it was closed today because they're closed on Mondays. -.- But then we decided aiyah nevermind we'll just walk up to the TTW and then walk back. Closer to the TTW, we were told some people actually went in. So ok fine we tried our luck. But then the door to the thing was like locked lah, so well, retreated again. -.- There though, we met this monkey. Mum said it probably came because it could smell food. (We had this bag of Famous Amos with us) So we'd to walk very carefully past it, with my dad -shielding- each of us away from it lest it come up to us and do something nasty. Took a nice long walk back, talking and making a crazy lot of noise with Dan. (the younger-older brother, capish??) went to an Indian restaurant for lunch later, then went to my aunt's place. Looked at baby photos, played a bit of Monopoly with the younger cousins and went back home. Read about 1 chapter of the book borrowed on Friday, and am now online. Not very interesting right. Labels: FO1 Friday, October 12, 2007You know how when you have a million things buzzing around in your head but don't know how to say it?? Well today's one of those days.Labels: Think Thursday, October 11, 2007School today was kinda blah. Talks- Crime Prevention (good at video bits only), Social Well-Being & Self Esteem (alright), Jia 88.3 and Power 98 (ok but would have been better if it was the 987fm folks who came down instead), Global Warming (sorry, but zzz) and OBS (initially exciting then scary). Last programme for the day was the CC Board Affirmation thing (Was supposed to go up on stage and collect the certs with Dhivya, but was too -slow/blur- and received it at the side of the hall instead) Took 197 back with Wendy, and had a discussion on (disgusting) flying insects and $400++ scarves. Pretty interesting, haha.Burnt a finger while heating up lunch. How exactly it happened though, is absolutely bananas and -.- . Won't say here. Went to the dentist, and phew fortunately enough I'm not likely to get any teeth extracted should I really decide to do braces. For that decision, I've one month to think it through. Cause I've already been given an appointment. I don't know how I should feel. Ohoh. Most exciting thing of the day- I FOUND OUT I ACTUALLY PASSED MY GRADE 8 PIANO! Ahahahahaha. It's a pass at 112/150. :D Passed everything save for Scales by a range of 1-4 marks. Failed Scales by 1 point, but nevermind whatever I imagined it to be much worse. It's really cool, because I thought I'd fail. The icing on the cake was the Additional Comments- "Musical ability was shown, especially in your final piece. Your hard work has been rewarded in this comfortable pass at this high level." Eh I say thank you ma'm, but hard work was really absent in any case. Lol even my dad was laughing please. Okok I've done enough boasting. Here are the thank you's! (: GOD: For playing the biggest part- putting this miracle together and taking care of all the little details, from start till the end. Mum & Dad: For -forcing- me to realise my er, potential, funding the lessons for 10 000 years already, the feedback during practice sessions, putting up with my complaints, arguments and banging (on the piano), ferrying to and fro, musiclifestories and prayers. Dan & Joe: For your putting up with my noise and encouragement. Teacher Ivan: For your patience, scoldings, demos, talking-to's, putting up with my playing, -scaring- me and for pushing me all the way. Teacher Michelle: For guiding me through Aural so patiently, re-explaining the theory concepts countless times and faith in me. Grand Aunt/Mentor/Cheerleader: For your countless favours, guidance, taking care of me, "you can do it" statements, patience, extra hours spent on me and love. Neighbours on the street: For putting up with my years of tinkling/banging. Friends & Other Family Members: For encouraging me at one point or another and putting up with my endless rantings about music lessons & exams. You guys know who you are yep. ^^ My Examiner: For your listening throughout the exam, ready smile and giving me a chance- to pass. Better go. Jia you everyone for the papers we'll be getting back in due time! :D Labels: Dentist, Passing G8P, PEA Day 2 Wednesday, October 10, 2007Whoo so okay today was kinda kuku. Itinerary:SELF-DEFENCE SALSA HIP-HOP FRANTIC RUNNING AROUND DURING RECESS DOVE TALK HALF A SCREENING OF "AN INICONVENIENT TRUTH" 4 (thereabout) PRESENTATIONS It hardly felt like a school day, thankyouverymuch. But nonetheless better than sitting through 6 periods of things you honestly sometimes wished you didn't have to learn. Anyway. SD class was okay. Red marks on forearms (if that's what it's called) abound. Salsa, was supposed to be HOT. Okok but how hot can it be if it's just all girls?? LOL. -.- Hip Hop was I don't know.. Kinda cool?? Recess was crazy, period. The Dove Talk was pretty interesting. About how made-up and Photoshopped models and celebriteis are, and an overview of eating disorders. Nothing new there, but it was captivating enough. Got the impression that this was kind of a rush job though, because the booklet we were given still had stuff we had yet to go through. I wouldn't mind sitting through the other half of the talk if given a chance. AIT I was actually looking forward to, but then I wasn't paying attention throughout. The parts I caught though, were interesting. A wee bit of propaganda was exposed, if you listened carefully enough. Presentations... LOL. It's rude not to listen, but I didn't anyway. Walked out with a sore butt for sitting in a weird postion for too long. Ahh that's quite enough nonsense for today(: BYEEEEE. Labels: PEA Day 1 Monday, October 08, 2007HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIONA TAN SHU JUN & MARIANNE NG SI HUI! Have a cool/crazy/fantastic year ahead! :DDI was very late in meeting them; really sorry guys. 11 missed calls from Elsa, Lou and Avryl altogether, because I woke up so so late. Outing was fun though. I think they had an early lunch at Long John's. Then when I joined them we went to take Neoprints. Some of us broke new records, at least for ourselves. 3 times in a day, LOL. Then we took a train down to Pasir Ris, shopped a bit at WS (yes bangles and earrings for some). Jia Min and Louise then suddenly announced that "WE ARE HAVING SECTIONALS AT LOUISE'S PLACE". (Because they are after all the SLs.) So everyone except Mari, Sa, Fiona and I stayed at WS. [It was part of the plan- the rest would go to Lou's and help prepare the cake, video and what-not.) When the 4 of us left WS, we bus-ed down to Lou's; made a lot of frantic calls in the process because were so afraid of getting lost. Finally got there, sang a boisterous Happy Birthday in English and Chinese. Went upstairs (Lou stays in a terrace) to watch the video Jia Min slaved over for hours, (and in to the wee hours of the morning even) The photos caused a whole lot of screaming, laughter and attempted cover-ups. LOL. But fun. Hung around for a bit more, cam-whored, and train-ed back. Took candid shots in the train, because just 9 of us alone filled up an entire row of seats. Gloria was the photog. Haha. Fun outing all in all, and I'm really glad that uh, I didn't feel awkward at any point! HAHAHA. Ohoh. And Dian, I hope your mom will understand. The outing that is. We are after all, good citizens, and representatives of TKGS. Yeah? Haha. (: Woo. Had curry for dinner and ice-cream for desert. (: I'll be going for now. Labels: FM's Birthday Celebration Sunday, October 07, 2007BOREDDDD. I doubt anyone cares, but haha.
I guess I'm less bored now. (: Labels: Bzoink'ed Once Saturday, October 06, 2007I, Deborah, am kuku.I was showing off the pic on this new blogskin to my mom because I thought it was very nice, and half-way through I freaked out, because my stupid URL was still there. AHHHHH. I'm so busted. And she KNOWS it's my blog. I guess if your mom is sitting behind you doing her work, that's kind of a hazard. Grief. I mean I know she's not really the kind who'll go snooping around on me lah, but )(*&^%$£"! that was still a very stupid move. -.- !!! Deborah WHAT ARE YOU DONG!!?! Labels: ALAMAK. YAYE. Finally changed my blogskin. After forever on that black, ballon-y one. Haha. The current skin and the previous one share the same skinner, so erm I guess thank you magnette / Jeanette?? Haha. Anyway. Went for music lesson on Thursday, and my piano teacher kinda went all out to persuade me to do diploma. Like, huh. I haven't really gotten my results, so if I fail my G8 then no use telling me. But I've to say being a piano teacher (in the case that I ever pass the diploma, LOL and HAHAHA) sounds really good. Like you can earn about 200 a day? Just need to teach beginners for about 5 hours, and tada the kaching. LOL. I can't teach for bananas though. I can't count (which therefore equates to having no proper sense of rhythm), and my sight reading is terrible. To put it in perspective, I don't think I'll ever be able to be a teacher. Cause if someone asks me to explain something, 95% of the time they have no idea what I'm saying. So I guess that's not an option. -.- The theory teacher didn't freak me out though. She just found it very amazing that I've been doing the same book on harmony for more than 1.5 years already. LOL. Watched the repeat telecast of President's Star Charity just now. Was restless till Jon appeared, HAHAHA. It's a little weird having him speak / sing in Chinese though. Hmm. Bored. Perhaps I'll go do some stuff on Blogthings. Chow. I'll complain about the stuff in my head some other time, LOL. Labels: Music Lessons, New Skin Thursday, October 04, 2007Someone cheer please, I know what to blog about already. -.-'''If your name is in caps on my links, read on. The unlinked, though: Gayathri, Marianne, Wendy. It's in alphabetical order. SHOUTOUTS. AVRYL: MY FAVOURITE STUDENT COUNSELLOR (sp!!) , YOYO. Jia you for your remaining papers :D, and er, hope you don't lose your contacts again. Come over when you're free okay, cause I HAVE ANOTHER BOX OF BROWNIE MIX! HAHAHA. XD I've created a permanent connection between you and brownie mix forever. :P And tell me please, where in the blogosphere you are. Dorcas: COUZINNNNNNNN. Woohoo. June was fun. See you at your birthday, hopefully. With Rachel and Jael perhaps. HOHOHO. It's gonna be a NOISY affair. Elsa: RANDOM I-WALK-PAST-YOU-AND-SAY-SOMETHING PERSON! Okay Elsa(sa). Oops. Monday, it'll be fun. WOOHOO. Jia you as QM! ^^ Fiona: LITTLE MS BAKER!!! Jia you in your new found love for baking! I'll make sure I'll order sometime soon. It's been great knowing you yeah. (: Gayathri: WOOHOO THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LAST-MINUTE REVISION NOTES YOU'VE GIVEN ME. All the best for CSP tomorrow, and uh sorry I have no idea how to explain the sentence-reconstruction thing to you. Ohoh. And for all the stuff in Animal Farm you copied for me too, thanks. (: GINA: MY -SILENT- BESTIE! WOMAN THE EOYS ARE OVER! And we haven't gone to mug together yet. LOL. Anyway. MRT or whatever over the hols yah? Thank you for your patience with my perpetually-late letters too. HEH. Glad to see you're smiling. Haha. Jeanette: HELLO BABE! It's been great knowing you for about 10+ years already! Haha. Hope to see you during the hols. I WANT TO HEAR MORE FUNNY STORIES FROM SCHOOL, hahaha. :D Marianne: QM! HAHAHA. Uh, it's been nice seeing you in the same classroom for 2 papers..? LOL okay. Let's uh, crash Elsa's at the end of the year yeah?? Okay I hope that sounds politically correct. :D Wendy: MY PARTNER ON 197!! HAHAHA. Thank you too, for all the last-minute notes and answers you've given. Suddenly, I think, randomly, that you'll make a good food tester. Cause I know you'll never be anorexic, HAHAHA. :DD AHA. Now I think I'll have nothing to write about in the Year-End shout-outs. -.-"' But I'll figure a way round that. It's back to Piano / Theory lessons today. I haven't gone since I had my piano exam. For 2 reasons- -Mugging-, and a wedding dinner. And I hope my piano results will fly from England, the SSO office, or where ever it is now to me ASAP. I'm not one for suspense. I die with suspense. Anyway. New theory teacher from today. I've a feeling I'm gonna be terrified of her. HMMM. GO SUPPORT FIONA'S ONLINE BAKE SHOP Y'ALL! :D It's on the links. Chow, and thank you for bothering to read till this point. Oh wait. HUI JUN/WHO EVER DID THE ATTENDANCE THING IN SEPTEMBER FOR P.O.G, e.g. EVAN OR JUN HUI: A million thanks to you. I'd be pretty dead otherwise. Kinda freaked out when Ps Cui Xian mass-mailed the CLs/ACLs. Ok I think I'm finlly done. Labels: Pre-Shoutouts (: Okay lol I don't know how to say all the stuff I want to say. I've been backspacing for forever. EXAMS ARE OVER! XD Hahaha. Hardly mugged though, so I don't think I'm gonna do well this year. It's not exactly going to be like last year's EOYs, where a surprising lot of miracles happened. Much as I wish it to be. But to every TKGian who may be reading this, congratulations, you've tided over your EOYs successfully. FACEBOOK! Ahh. Have sent 2 emails to them to include a network for TKG, but they haven't replied. Granted one was only sent today, but the other was sent weeks ago. Maybe they're busy or something?? LOL. -.-''' I WANT TO JOIN FACEBOOK REAL BAD, but if there's no network then I well, can't. AHH. I'm lazy to upload the pics from the mugging session on 070907 here, and on Friendster. Okay random I know. MONDAY! HAHAHA. =D It's gonna be a NOISYYYYYYY affair, if anything. Woohoo. Piano! Really really hope I pass. In desperate need for some kaching. THANK YOU FOR BRINGING OBS BACK, TK! Hahahaha. :DD Ok er I know this has been a highly random post. And if you've talked to me recently, you'll probably have heard all that's been mentioned above already. AHHHHH. Labels: Whoops. |