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CreditsLayout by yours faithfully at blogskinsnote: affiliates/links are the colourful boxes on the right of this column. :) |
Abigail Amanda Cheu Amanda Liu Angie Avryl Ayeshah Chin DeborahLiu Dian DORCAS Elizabeth Elsa's Old Blog ELSA's Current Blog Evangeline Farah FIONA Gayathri Germaine GINA Jeanette Jia Min Kylene Li Shan MARIANNE Natalie Pamela Phoebe Phyllis Priscilla Shereen Sherlyn Si Jia Teshura Thahira Tiffany Vivi Wendy Xin Fang ___________________ Fiona's Bake Shop ___________________ TKGS CHOIR blog TPJC Choir blog TWO FIVE '07 blog P.O.G 2008 blog P.O.G 2009 blog
Monday, November 26, 2007Proper updates. I don't think anyone cares, hahaha, so I don't know why I bother to record everything here. But I just do lah so nevermind whatever.Thursday. Went to do CIP with Wendy again. Was crazy-anxious to find out about brother's PSLE results before lunch break. And so in the end, he got 253. 3 A*s, and a Merit. WOW lah. I knew he'd do better than me all along, so yes. Congratulations Daniel. You know we're all proud of you(((: Lunch was a Ramly Special courtesy of the nearby pasar malam. Then we went back. Oh you know how people always mistake us kids doing CIP @ the library to be working there and ask us stuff?? Well yes it happened again, except this time with a twist. AHEM. I was going bananas later, if anything. -.- Yahyah try asking me. -.- Anyway. Got a message from mum later saying that the top pupil who got 294 as everyone already probably knows was from St Hilda's. Like, YAYEEEEEE. I was so so proud. My alma mater yo! So that day I went home a pretty happy goober. It would have been even more perfect should there have been no Music after that, but whatever. Mum got each of us some food-reward at Cold Storage after that. And I got a Strawberry Swirl Pound cake. Thank you mummy! :D Friday. Went to do CIP, again. Ahhh the librarian was like so nice lah. Let us have a tea-break and asked us which level we wanted to do(: We were so amazed/happy. So we had vanilla cones for tea and shelved the books on the first level. :DD Dinner at grandma's later. Saturday. Hmph I can't remember what I did. Oh wait. I helped to prepare the chicken for lunch. And I got $3!! HAHAHA at first I was like "but I thought we don't get anything for meal prep. ?" then mum went "aiyah but I'm tired of hearing you complaining about how broke you are" so yaye. Thank you mummy. Did the Sec 4 farewell scrapbook until a certain crazy hour. Sunday. Cell (which I was late for, ...) and service. I was like er falling asleep. But it's my fault for sleeping late lah. Next up was Sarah's first-month celebration. Still didn't get to see her open her eyes. :S Finished up the remaining of the scrapbook. Left. Farewell chalet next! The jokes they (Elsa, Marianne, Yi Ying, Shi Han) shared were funny. ^^ The animal game I was supposed to get forfeited twice, but thankfully I didn't have to do anything eventually. Went up to talk a bit with Elsa and Marianne. Gave VICTORIA her scrapbook at some point in time. She went something like "eh sorry lah but if you guys were expecting me to cry than sorry I won't." :O No lah Vic. I just really hope she likes it. Pretty pleaseeeeee. Left early because Marianne needed to get home early and I needed a ride out. Elsa and I were discussing job options in the car, and I got really convinced for the first time I wanted to work. LOL so we got dropped off at Tanah Merah. Had a bit of an -adventure on bus 14. Took the wrong direction. -.- Talked late-night with Avryl; thank you for telling me what I can get you for Christmas. And thank you for being the first to ask what I want. :D -.- Monday. Gah the only significant thing I did today was to fold the clothes, all of it in the 175%-filled basket. -.- Sushi and Miso for dinner though, thank you mum! (: So that's the end of all my crappish order-of-the-days. And I realised recently, that in practically every post I put up, I'm wishing someone Bon Voyage. The poor scribe wishing all these people will not need to use her passport for the whole holiday though. But mum says "part of the reason we're not going anywhere is because you want to go to Italy next year." ENJOY YOURSELF IN HONG KONG, TAN SHU JUN FIONA! Labels: 22nd-26th Nov Sunday, November 25, 2007Hello people of the world, the following was meant to be published on Thursday, but for some stupid reason or another, I didn't get it done properly. -.- So here goes. I reallyreallyreally hope these people know who they are, although chances of them seeing this are like I don't know. Bad. Ask me personally if you really want to know, otherwise I won't say who directly. Anyway. Whatever that was meant to be put up on Thursday is in italics.I'm going bananas. Type, backspace, type, backspace, type, backspace. Nothing's coming out because I don't know how to say it. This is for EMGC and AEIU. I hope I'll be able to wish you this someday, whole-heartedly. My Wish by Rascal Flatts I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow, And each road leads you where you want to go, And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose, I hope you choose the one that means the most to you. And if one door opens to another door closed, I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window, If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile, But more than anything, more than anything, My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small, You never need to carry more than you can hold, And while you're out there getting where you're getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too, Yeah, this, is my wish. I hope you never look back, but ya never forget, All the ones who love you, in the place you left, I hope you always forgive, and you never regret, And you help somebody every chance you get, Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake, And you always give more than you take. But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything, My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small, You never need to carry more than you can hold, And while you're out there getting where you're getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too, Yeah, this, is my wish. Credits here For you both, I guess I thank you for everything. Yeah no idea what to say anymore, so I'll go. Good night(: Labels: You and You Thursday, November 22, 2007This, is's 100th post. Whoooooo.To my dear DIU, happy 100th post. :DD And to all my readers, thanks for your patience and tags. It has been, and will continue to be very much appreciated. (: Labels: 100th post YO! This pretty rainbow was taken on the ninth. ![]() ![]() So anyway. Quick updates here, I promise. Sunday- Cell and Service. Lol like only Evan, Jun Hui, Ying Yian, Evan and I were there. :O I think the rest of P.O.G are around the world somewhere...? Went to my uncle's house to see cousin Sarah. Ahh she's so smallllllll man I tell you. Premature mah. But I couldn't stop smiling around her. Really. Such a joy aint it, to have a new baby around? ((((: Monday- Fiona, Gloria and Shi Han came over to make some stuff. Yes. So everyone had lunch here, and thankfully the fried rice was ok. HAHAHA -.- I get panicky when cooking solo you know so it was a relief. Anyway. Making the things was crazy to a certain extent. Picking the rectangles and rainbows alone took quite a bit of time. Yeah. The process was kinda quiet at times. But when Gloria scolds Shi Han for whatever reason, it's funny. I almost always laugh the longest. :O Tuesday- Nothing much happened. It was an exercise in understanding and tolerance, though. Heh. I've a lot to work on. And I stayed up to do touch-ups to the stuff. I really hope she likes it. Pretty please. There'd be a micro reason more for me to be happy if she likes it. [On hindsight I wonder why I'm putting everything in italics when anyone who has a brain can guess what's going on if they read the last post -.-] TODAY! I was actually on time for Choir! :D Credits to mum for trying to get me out of bed repeatedly, Fiona for the wake-up call and dad for the ride to school. LOL anyway only 7/16 people from Alto 2 came today. Gloria became SL for the day. Sectionals were good, yaye. I don't hate TTQ anymore. Ms Lim was kinda mad at A2 though, because we were soft and all. Then she got Yu Han and I to sing individually. ??!? Because she heard someone who was "loud" on our side... Lol I guess for once I didn't get noticed for the wrong thing?? Anyway, practice was quite good. Oh, and it's hello to Adieu again. Got held back super long though. Went to PP to get some stuff, and had lunch with Shi Han. While waiting for the things, we walked to the library, sat there for a while and walked back. Talked about OBS mostly. Then bussed to Bedok for CIP @ the library with Gayathri. First part of the session was rather dreary, but it was better later. Despite the crazy-cold temperatures and noise, we made it. So that's 4 for the record. (: Oh yeah. It's late, but BV TO ALL THE UG PEOPLE WHO'RE IN CAMBODIA FOR SERVICE LEARNING RIGHT NOW, GINA & RANICE ESPECIALLY. (: Labels: 18th-21st Nov, Rainbow Saturday, November 17, 2007Today!Had to go with mum to the Choir workshop, i.e. I was late again. -.- I totally missed warm-ups with TK. By the time I finally met them, they were on their way to the auditorium. Anyway. I think 13 Choirs came for this event. Out of which 12 performed, in this order: St Nick's Girls', Bukit Panjang Govt. High, Nan Chiau, Anglo Chinese (Independent), National JC, Chung Cheng High (Main), Anderson, Nanyang Girls', Fairfield, Ngee Ann, Hwa Chong JC, and us, Tanjong Katong Girls'. 'Think boon Lay was the non-performing Choir. PERFORMANCE/COMPETITION TIME! When it finalyyyyy came to us, yours truly stood in the wrong position until someone told me. Only then did I realise and move. So blur right. I got lost many times throughout. And couldn't hold the long notes. That's what not doing warm-ups and prior prep does. -.- When we were done the general vibe was like "good luck to us~~". Comments next. Rather zzz, because we were the last to perform and get our comments. Then, Results. Mr Meng (the judge) told us there were no bronze-standard performances today. Initially, we were all so happy. Then, Sheryl -burst the bubble- and said "eh maybe we got COP leh!" [COP = Certificate of Participation] I was laughing at that lah. HAHAHAHOHO. So anyway. Results. Eh wait disclaimer first. To quote Ms Lim- "If you get a gold you're not a gold forever; same goes for a silver. And this is only the opinion of one person, so it may not be very accurate." Something like that. And, much to our surprise and delight, we got a GOLD!!! Second runner-up among the 4 golds. HCJC got first, NJC second, St Nick's fourth. But anyway congrats to all the Choirs there for a job well done. :DD We got a voucher for this. Had lunch with Fiona, Gloria, Jia Min, Shi Han and Yi Ying at PP Macs. Then YY went home. Rest of us went to buy materials for gifts for the Sec 4 Farewell Party/Chalet next Sunday. I HOPE & ASSUME NO SEC 4 IS READING THIS.. So we went to the photo shop. When the photos loaded, we had a FUN time picking the pics to develop, protesting constantly and all. But all the crazy/stupid pics were chosen, so goodluck to those who weren't there. :D Gloria was next to leave. Went to get the rest of the materials while waiting for the pics to develop. Then we walked around more. -.- Fiona went home next. JM, SH and I went to Cold Storage. Got stuff, went to food court. Returned to photo shop. Went out of PP sat somewhere near the road, and JM counted the pics to make sure all 125 of them were there. Yep 125, for 5 seniors. And we have 4 more we have to prepare stuff for! LOL. The pics were great. Everyone looks goooood. :D SHI HAN and GLORIA were crazy-funny, ahahahaha. (: Fiona, Louise and Shi Han are coming over on Monday to do the gifts! Vivien may come if her leg gets better by then so get well soon ok! Have to help clear the dining table first though. There's totally no space now. I'll be cooking for them people, because mummy will be working. HAHAHA. Oh wait. ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY AND TRIP BACK HOME, ELSA AND PAVADEE! BV! :D I'll pray for you. You pray too, ok? And trust Him. Yep. <3 Labels: C.ConComp Gold, ShoppingSec4Gifts Bored, so I did this. I'll be happy if it entertains you. HAHAHA.
Labels: Bzoink'ed Thrice Friday, November 16, 2007I think I'm too crazy about this blog, because I've updating like crazy lately. It's so different from last year, where (my old blog) was pretty much starved. And Gina had to tell me constantly to update. Although I didn't until very much later. :P LOL.Saw Dorcas off just now. So she's on the plane now on the way to NZ. (: But she forgot my lipbalm. !!! LOL. I think I'll get it back only during next year's CNY. HAHAHA. Am listening to this CD I got when I was still in the St Hilda's Choir. That beautiful glorious year ('04) when we were among the top 5 Primary school Choirs in Singapore. The title eventually went to Rosyth. Anyway. The track giving all that deja vu is this nonsensical French song called J'entends le Moulin, because we performed and competed with that piece 10 000 times. And I never really got down to memorising it. -.- It was crazy learning it, because it's in a foreign language. Oh. And we have to be in school by 7 tomorrow!!! It's unethical lah, doing this on a SATURDAY OF A SCHOOOL HOLIDAY. I could barely wake up today and was really late. Better go; have to look through the scores for tomorrow. Labels: cfm, Seeing Dorcas off, SHP Choir QUIZ! Instructions 1. Do the following WITHOUT complaint. 2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours. 3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged. 4. Start your post with; I have been tagged! I have been tagged by FIONATANSHUJUN! FAVOURITES Favourite Colour: I don't know. Purple? Food: I like many things. It's easy to feed me(: Favourite Movie: Aiyoh. All these favourite things. IDK! Favourite Sport: Swimming. ~~ <- Waves, hahaha. -.- Favourite Day: No faves Favourite Season: I've experienced nothing bus Summer! Favourite Ice-cream: I just don't like rum & raisin. CURRENTS Current Mood: Okay Current Clothes: School blouse and green shorts Current Desktop: Erm, Lenovo?? Current Time: 4.18 pm Current Surroundings: Bro playing x-box..? Current Annoyances: Not really applicable FIRSTS First Best Friend: Ee Peng! HAHAHA. First Crush: Er, in P4? First Movie: I think Stuart Little(: First Lie: I cannot remember First Music: Whatever my parents played before I was born... LASTS Last drink: Soyabean milk! Last Car Ride: This morning to the bus stop Last Crush: ER. Last Phone Call: Dorcas Last CD played: On my MP3 it was Ashlee HAVE YOU EVER....? Have you ever dated one of your best friends: No Have you ever broken the law: No Have you ever been arrested: NO! Have you ever been on TV: I think so Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: Of course not RANDOM 5 things you are good at: Talking until it's annoying, analysing people/situations, staying up late, eating, washing plates 4 things you've done today: Attended the Choir workshop, talked, gone online, blogged 3 things you can hear right now: The x box game, tapping on keyboard, brother commenting 5 People to tag: (with blogs) Gina, Avryl, Elsa and anyone else who's interested. Fiona tagged me! Relationship: Fellow Alto 2er, future classmate!!! Yay. 5 impressions i have of him/her: Good baker, sweet, able to tolerate my high-ness, aced PSLE Math & English, loves her seniors. Most memorable thing he/she done for me: Er, the birthday card thing? Haha Most memorable words he/she has said to me: No idea lol Most desirable thing I want to do for him/her now: HUH?? Characteristics i love about him/her: She's Nice! Characteristics i hate about him/her: Huh don't have lah. Most ideal person he/she wants to be: Er, someone with better grades?? I don't know lah. A message for people who care for him/her and like him/her: Uhm, she's a good friend, and you better better treat her well. Thank you. (: I shall skip the tagging part. Haha. Done! Labels: Fiona's Quiz Hello. Back from the workshop at Nanyang. I guess the Vacuum song was ok. Ms L even said we were kiasu, but I'm taking that as a compliment. Sakura was HAHAHA. The guy who did our workshop was ok I guess. Only managed to pay attention to the first half. Lol cause the subject matter talked about prior to and during the break was too uh, distracting. Yes the culprits know who they are. But I forgive you, CZQ(: HAHAHA. Lol. Have been made to say more these few days. Because it's long overdue. But I guess it's only fair, they having said their piece. But I dntsyevrth. And if they see this I will die, but nevermind. I only told them my stuff, not anyone else's, so yes. Some things I will never say. That I will promise. Haha. Anyway. Bought some chocolate with Fiona before bussing home. Lol what a risky post huh. Labels: After C.W HELLO. Now is not exactly an earthly hour to blog but I will hurry. Went to do CIP at the library with Wendy today. SHE GOT HER BRACES! HAHAHA. :D Anyway. Shelved for 1.5 hours, then had a 40-minute lunch break. :O I saw my relative there! Lol. And I was quarter-forced by Wendy to go up and say hi. LOL. Yes I'm kinda socio-phobic, if there's such a word. -.- But I can't stay like that lah. New class next year. I have to -ahem- WIDEN my social circle, get to know more people better. Lol lame right. Got back, continued shelving. Then the librarian noticed we liked to shelve the first-floor books (it's the easiest of the 3 levels), and told us we had to go according to the time the books were returned. Oops. Then continued. This little boy came up to me and said "Aunty do you know where my father is?" I didn't quite register. Then he repeated himself and finally I said no. Ok I know I shouldn't have been so mean/blur. I should have like directed him to the information counter or something at least. Not let the first thought in my head be "how on earth would I know how your dad looks like" and the second be "oh wait he must look like you". -.- HE CALLED ME AUNTY! LOL in all honesty I think I look more 12 year old than aunty. But as mum said when I told her later, I should forgive him because he's so young, and was probably afraid because he can't find his dad. And at least he was polite enough to address me. When he walked away later Wendy was like "he called you an aunty!" and I was like yah. Then she said "that's an insult!" Lol HAHAHA. So. Finished that trolley, went to the *longest-returned* thing. MAGAZINES, which take erm very long to shelve. But we survived the second half: 4.5 hours; total 6. HAHAHA. Gonna have to do about 14 next week...? Piano & theory next. Piano was a disaster. (No surprise) Theory next. My teacher's gonna killllllllllll me. I'm taking forever to finish this stupid book on Harmony. I've been on this thing since I was in P6. And I didn't finish my homework again though I haven't been for lessons for 2 weeks. GAH. TODAY, we have a Choir workshop in Nanyang. All the best to us. Because tomorrow we're performing at Hwa Chong. It's some concert-competition thing, and involves 12 choirs. Mummy's gonna be there again, hahaha. Back to today's plans. Will be going at about 7 to see Dorcas before she flies off to NZ for a month. Perfect excuse to go to the airport. (: And I'll get my lipbalm back. HAHAHA. Lol. -.- JIA YOU TKG CHOIR! BON VOYAGE DORCAS. And. Wendy, get used to the fact that you won't have anyone to bully or disturb next year. >:D Ok better run. Chow. Labels: C.ConComp, C.Workshop, CIP s1, Dorcas at Airport Wednesday, November 14, 2007Hello I promise to keep it short and sweet- I GOT INTO MY FIRST CHOICE!!!!! 3E2 '08 and combination E, I AM HERE. Yesyes. I know about 1/4 of my classmates already. And congrats everyone. If anyone's gonna appeal, all the best. I'll keep you in my prayers.All the best to you. Really. Hope I didn't piss you off yesterday. Sorry if I did. Labels: My Beautifulllllllll E Tuesday, November 13, 2007Hello people of the world. I just got cheated by asknlearn! As previously mentioned, I'm stalking the website now and periodically refreshing to check for the posting results. So I went in just now, and lo and behold the magic words "Results of 2008 Sec 3 Class allocation" were there. I jumped off the chair and went screaming to my mum behind the house who already isn't in a very good mood because I took too long to wake up and all today. Then I returned to the computer, clicked on Other Subjects then Courses, and HAHAHA only this Digital Resource for Emergency (Secondary) thing came out. -.- x 100 please. So I 'll continue stalking, refreshing that asknlearn. I've sent the admin people there a message already. Perhaps they are working on it now...? Hahaha. Good luck everybody.Labels: Missing PR Monday, November 12, 2007Hello all.I made shepherd's pie for dinner with mum's and Dan's help for dinner and it was a success!! And the portion is so huge, we can have it for lunch tomorrow. Wheeeee. Yay. LOL. Maybe I'll make it for dad's birthday uh. And if things had gone as originally planned, I'd be with braces today. Lol. But nevermind. Braces would mean no solid food for a few days, which equals no shepherd's pie. HAHAHA ok whatever I don't think I'm talking much sense. The appointment has been pushed to next April. I just hope I'll be able to get them off by the time sec 4 Farewell/Prom rolls around. I'm waiting, WAITING for the combi-posting results to be released. I think I might just make it to my second choice. Which I just realised may not be such a fantastic idea, because History core is not for some one who either fails or just passes History, all the time. My Geog is better, but I don't quite like it. HOW????? Anyway. I'll be stalking the asknlearn website if I may until Wednesday. Since they said BY Wednesday. I'll take their word for it. Just hope it appears wednesday morning and not afternoon, because there'll be Choir then. I don't know if they'll allow the sec 2s to run off to the computer lab/foyer to check. But yes. I can't wait! WILL THEY EVER KNOW?? And will I ever say anything more? Labels: No braces, SP, Waiting for SC This shall be a photo post. The superlicious-ly yummy and huge chocolate cake at the class gathering. Getting cut up. Meet my mummy-bought Giraffe. The close up. I love his crazy eyes. :O Ahh now you know why. Bake stuff. The evil looking orange puree: skin, pulp and all. THE BUBBLE MONSTER! SOS!!! Labels: Photos for 1st-11th Nov Sunday, November 11, 2007HELLO. Haven't been blogging. Got banned for a week lah. HAHAHA. Anyway, updates. I think no one really cares what I'm doing, but I need records. So HAHAHA I shall begin.Wednesday (7th Nov) Continued to clear the stuff in the drawers. Went for Choir in the afternoon. 10 minutes late. -.- Anyway. Got scolded for this and that. And found out we're gonna sell mini log cakes and cookie jars from Breadtalk. Like whoa. So yes, if you're reading this and are not from Choir- PLEASE SUPPORT US/ME. Hahaha thank you. ((: Anyway. Took 76 with Elsa to the station. And went to Avryl's house. For her brother's belated birthday celebration. Anyway. Got there, learnt to fill water pumps with those soap bottle pumps (yeah I actually had to learn that), and got a bit wet. LOL. And I mentioned I had no extra clothes!! )(*&^%$£"! Hmph I guess her brother's friends were just too excited or whatever. Went up for a bit, then helped to bring the stuff down for the barbecue. Hmm then then the barbecue started. Helped to oil stuff for awhile, while Av actually helped to cook the stuff. Then we went to eat. Got back to the pits, talked to her dad for a while, then we took over the pit for the rest of the night. My first time actually barbecuing stuff, and I think it was quite successful(: And erm I didn't want to go home, so I didn't call back until I got the SMS from mum. Called home, and got a scolding of sorts. Got the silent treatment all the way back. :S But by the next morning, all was well so ok yaye. Thursday (8th Nov) Can't remember what I did. But I didn't have music lessons because it was a public holiday! XD 2 weeks of break. HAHAHA. OK I know my mum'd kill me if she ever saw this, but let's just hope she never will. Friday (9th) Went for Choir. Was late again. -.- But no one noticed too much because we were all sitting outside the Beethoven room waiting for the door to be opened. = = Realised we have to do that Jap song from SYF for this Saturday! LOL. Went to the bubble tea shop with Dian and Fiona after practice. Came home, and did don't know what. Ohoh. There was a nice rainbow though it wasn't raining. ^^ And I finished A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass!! :) In the wee hours of Saturday morning, no less. Saturday (10th) Woke up kinda early for Math tuition. Got some pastries from the petrol station for Mdm Lee (my teacher) because it was my last lesson with her. Math class was just going over the FYE paper again. And at the end of it all, tadah she said she could teach me A Maths next year if I wanted her to. Cause originally she said she wouldn't teach sec 3s in 2008. Haha. :O Went to the library, got another book, went home. Aunty M was there with her son! (: Had lunch, eavesdropped on mum's and her conversation (we're all in the kitchen what) Then we all went to ECP together. As in Aunty M, Josh, Dan, Joe, mum and I. Haha. Stoned, eavesdropped somemore and had ice cream. Was thinking about all the memories I had at ECP. X Country and Zany Green 06 & 07, and that outing last year which ended with ice kachang at Bedok interchange. :DD Fun please. ANYWAY. Cycled for about 5 minutes. -.- Then had dinner there. There are like, 10 000 satay stalls there?? Yeah. Got home, and tried answering the questions in this year's O level Social Studies paper because aunty M wanted me to try. I couldn't lah, even though we more or less have covered all the answering techniques this year. :SS I baked my rock cakes/buns! And mum helped me. She got too exasperated seeing me taking forever to measure stuff and all. But at the end of it all, I think everyone enjoyed it. Granted the first batch was too brown, and that some raisins puffed up and got burnt lah. But nevermind. Second batch was better. Then aunty M left with Josh. Looked through the content of next year's subjects, and started wondering why I wanted to do History so bad when I was picking the combinations. (btw it was E,F,G) Wondered if Econs was a better choice. And wondered why I couldn't think straight when asked why I wanted to do History so bad. Because my grades there ae terrible. Although I fancy it more than Geog. Sunday (11th) Combined cell with Footsteps on prayer, then service as usual. Went to I think Novena Square to get some stationery and to pick dad up cause he just came back from KL. Have been online most of the time since. Although I helped prepare dinner and wash up! (: Labels: 7th - 11th Nov Thursday (1 Nov) Morning was a crazymad rush to the hairdresser (I thought the haircut made me look feirce, -.-) and photo shop (HAHAHA I look ~~, and it's for the OBS form thing) . BUTBUT, I was on time for the CLASS PARTY! Most of us went down to Savannah together, then slacked in the function room for a bit. Played warm-up's like the blanket game and whacko. Amazing Grace next, it was group-based (my group- Alyssa, Amanda, Deepika, Jan & I), and a series of game stations: the chair & scissors paper stone, polo sweets in flour (thank you Deepika), transporting water bombs while getting bombed, shampoo-foam (Alyssa was our hero!), blindfolded food-tasting and shoe-hunt. Got kind of scolded by the security guy because of the water factor. HAHAHA lol what can I say. Breaked for a bit, then continued. Some blindfolded and lame (as in really you can't walk) game. Alyssa was my partner. After that was the results of the Amazing Grace thing. My group came in last for points, but nevermind it was good fun. Changed out of our wet clothes, then dinner next. Dinner was nice. CARINA PRANK-CALLED MS IZRINA AND MS SEAH, HAHAHA. They didn't know who they were talking to intitially, but when they did they were surprised/shocked. XDD When we were done with it, TIME FOR CAKE! Wow that chocolate cake was huge lah!! Marissa led the Zany Green cheer which earned us first prize before we blew out the candles. I cut the cake! HAHAHA ok -.- Then, the organizers went MISSING, so we were just sat there and talked. When XinFang, Dhivya and Odelia returned, they explained that we were supposed to have this scary night walk, but then they toned it down quite a bit later because they thought some parts were going to be too scary/not very Christian. People were really scared lah, you could see during the briefing. So anyway the the 3 of them just led us in groups of about 6 (original plan was Pairs) to the cave. When my group went, Emily and Emmeline (both with just a little of their original scary-makeup) jumped up and screamed at us, and yeah that was about it. Collected our souvenirs of painted, personalised pebbles (I liked mine, so thank you whoever it was that did it!) and went back to the function room. Cleared up, and left. :/ But to the 20 of you who were there- Alyssa, Amanda, Carina, Deepika, Dhivya, Emily, Emmeline, Faidah, Jan, JY, Jocelyn, Marissa, Aisyah, Ayesha, Odelia, Denyse, Gayathri, Livia, Xin Fang and Zhi Qian, thank you for the company, fun, laughter and memories. KUDOS ONCE AGAIN TO EM, EMM, DHIV, ODE and XF FOR BEING THE GREATEST ORGANIZERS. Your hard work has been very much appreciated. :DD Friday (2nd Nov) Woke up kinda early. Went out with dad for breakfast. (: Got sent to school so I could submit the OBS form. Waited for Gayathri, and messaged/listened to my mp3 in the process. Saw Ms Seah when we were submitting the forms. She asked about the prank-calls from the night before, and told us how she wondered which Carina it was until she told her "I'm the one who ate the raw egg" HAHAHA yeah. Ohoh and Ms Seah was the first person to realise I cut my hair. She said it was nice, hahaha. :DD Rushed home, did a bit of stuff, had lunch and went out again, this time to Vivo. With JY and Livia. Walked around, bought food & drinks to sneak in (OOPS) and watched The Seeker. JY was teasing Livia throughout the outing about her liking the Tasmanian Devil, HAHAHA. Left at about 4 or 5+ ; went to the library to get a book. Dinner at Grandma's, then came home. Went online until way too late, got caught. :/ Saturday (3rd Nov) Went out for breakfast with dad and the bros. Was kind of terrible. My fault lah. But it was embarrassing all the same. Came home, got -talked to-, banned from the comp for a week, slept for 10 000 hours more. Sunday (4th Nov) Went for cell and service. -Led- worship for cell. Ohoh and mummy came back from her KL trip! I missed her and her nagging lah. She bought me this really cute girrafe toy. I wanted to call it Geoffy (the fivers should know what I mean) but I thought it was kinda rude, so no nevermind. It's currently nameless, and is sitting on my table. Thank you mummy! :DD Monday (5th Nov) Hmph lol I can't really remember what happened. -.- Tuesday (6th Nov) Avryl came over!! Hahaha. Went to Bedok intercahnge to get eggs, oranges and flour. And I couldn't find my way around. -.- , because I've stayed in this area for like 9 years already. LOL. Anyway we baked orange cake and scones. But gah they didn't turn out nice. The cake was too wet. Probably because we used 3 BIG instead of 3 medium oranges. And the scones, we used the wrong type of flour and didn't add salt. Lesson learnt?? READ INSTRUCTIIONS CAREFULLY, and actually follow through with them. So following that crazy attempt, we had an ahem Tea Party. Avryl's idea. Ooh and thank you Avryl for washing everything up. Soap monster! HAHAHA. Labels: 1 Nov - 6 Nov Friday, November 02, 2007Don't feel like blogging about the Class Party now. Lazy to. But great job done to Emily, Emmeline, Dhivya, Xin Fang and Odelia. :DD Thanks for everything!Mum's not in Singapore now; so with just dad around it's kinda messier. But no I'm not complaining. It's just a fact(: LOL anyway tomorrow's going to be crazy. EARLY in the morning at about 8, it's to the dentist, then school (submitting that OBS form; mum will kill me when she finds out because she wanted me to pass it to anyone at the class party who's going to school later), home for lunch and changing, then out again to Vivo with erm Jing Yi, Livia, Alyssa and a couple others. Grandma's for dinner after that. Actually I feel kinda guilty that mum doesn't know about this. !!?! She'd be more stringent with letting me go out (dad was I think falling asleep when I asked him, but it wasn't intentional). But then again I only found out at about 7+ today, so I hope she'll forgive me. Please mum?? Heh. Anyway I hope I'll actually use the camera there at Vivo tomorrow. Because everytime I bring it out, I end up not using it much. -.- Andand I don't/can't seem to pose for bananas, so yeah. QUIZ TIME!
Labels: Bzoink'ed twice, Out for the day, P. Class Party |