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Abigail Amanda Cheu Amanda Liu Angie Avryl Ayeshah Chin DeborahLiu Dian DORCAS Elizabeth Elsa's Old Blog ELSA's Current Blog Evangeline Farah FIONA Gayathri Germaine GINA Jeanette Jia Min Kylene Li Shan MARIANNE Natalie Pamela Phoebe Phyllis Priscilla Shereen Sherlyn Si Jia Teshura Thahira Tiffany Vivi Wendy Xin Fang ___________________ Fiona's Bake Shop ___________________ TKGS CHOIR blog TPJC Choir blog TWO FIVE '07 blog P.O.G 2008 blog P.O.G 2009 blog
Saturday, July 31, 2010MY 200th POST IN THE 45TH MONTH THIS BLOG HAS BEEN UP! Yes, that's very little. But what to do. Busy=blog less=tweet more. Yes, I tweet everyday, so it may be worthwhile for all you Deb-stalkers/lovers out there to check out my twitter.Anyhow. I'm actually sleepy. Not doing anything really productive online, bearing in mind that I still have my overdue: 1. CSE timeline (I think I'm gonna get a 0 for the punctuality in submission of assignments component of my PAP score sigh), 2. FIRST draft of Evaluation of Materials (EoM) for PW (some super hardworking folk have already submitted their fourth drafts; the third's due this Monday) and 3. Lit assignments to do. (Y) Sigh homework. I survived one week of having to stay back to 6 plus for official reasons (Choir and STAR [Structured Academic R-something]) EVERYDAY. Though admittedly I haven't been the most attentive student. Okay fine confessions aside, this week's been okay I guess. OHMINE. S: D: Okay I'm too sleepy to think of what to type here already. (Blame the GP essay I did earlier for using up my essay-writing brain juice lol.) Good night, sweethearts. Sunday, July 18, 2010Hey!I'm currently trying out for the postion of Alto Section Leader (SL). It's like, Ms Ong (our choir conductor) decided all those who're interested in being part of the EXCO and/or music committee should be interviewed, and try out the positions we will like to hold for two weeks (to see if we can do and manage it). We get interviewed again at the end of the two weeks, and vote ourselves in/out. Something like that. Of course Ms Ong, the teachers-in-charge and perhaps the seniors have a role in picking out the most suitable people too also luh. Anyway. My main point is- last Friday, when all of us potential SLs were standing in front of the choir as they sang (of course we sang too), I had this special feeling. One of hope, joy of knowing that we all are all potentially rising to fill the places our seniors will leave and unity. Okay yes power too. (:B heeh) It was awesome. (: See ya'll. Love. Monday, July 12, 2010I FEEL LIKE I AM CHEATING ON BLOGGER. Because as of now, I have blogger, xanga, twitter, tumblr and livejournal. S: My initial intent was to just stay connected with friends across the different blogging platforms, but I realised it's pretty likely that people're gonna ask me to blog where ever they blog, so it's a PHAIL. To add to my contradictory state of mind, I've already posted at least one post on each of them. -.-So, you can now read all about my wonderful life at: blogger- look at your URL field luh. xanga- (those posts're only for my eyes) twitter- debzmemorymush tumblr- purplepencils livejournal- singingvanilla Yaye alright happy stalking. Oh the Spain-Holland match's taking place now. :) Good morning! (: Saturday, July 03, 2010THE EXAMS ARE OVERRRRR! :DDD I is happier than a bird. Feels somewhat like after the Os. Oh those happy days. (Okay, except when I was trying to look for a prom dress.)A list of my post SA1 activities- 1. Read Skylight for Tuesday's test (The questions there'll bring in Amy's View as well, gongxifacai.) 2. Prepare the lesson for Sunday cell 3. Outing with Gayathri and Wendy on Saturday 4. The church food distribution thing on Sunday 5. Fi's with the Fabs (Mare, Fi and Sa) and possibly, Zha Min on Sunday. :D 6. Alto picnic on Monday! 7. Make cards for Alto seniors (Since I super-highly doubt they read this sacred space, I can say this here.) 8. Write Gina's really-overdue letter 9. Buy Chesna's gift 10. Buy something for Iffa's birthday! 11. Upload the HUNDREDS (no exaggeration here) of photos taken over the last uh, 8 months on Facebook. *gulp* 12. Make some accessory with the leather strings bought from Prague for my school bag Thou is a busy woman alright. Also one that's suffering from the effects of massive, one-shot photo-uploading on Facebook. I'll do a summary of what's happened in the last 4 weeks or so since I know there's at least one person out there whom I haven't communicated with in months (S:) and is many many miles away. 31st May-3rd June: ACADEMIC WEEK. Lectures. 2nd: Plaisir De Chanson 2010, aka the TPJC Choir concert, was AWESOME. The audience loved our Tres Cantos Nativos dos Indios Krao (aka the jungle song) and our self-written musical, My Aspects of Love, responding with much surprise and laughter. :D The preparation in the run-up to the concert may have been tiring and time-consuming (practice/sectional everyday for about two weeks straight, come Sunday or public holiday), but it was also FUN, and bonded us as a Choir. The fact that both the audience and us enjoyed the performance made it really really really worth it. (: 8th-16th: CHOIR COMPETITION TRIP TO KRAKOW, POLAND! Thank you to the Family, Fiona, Marianne, Roxanne and Wally for sending me off! (: It was a fab trip with much laughter, fun, singing (seriously we sang everywhere: churches, schools, a salt mine about a hundred metres below the ground and in the coach. Oh also where ever we happened to burst out into random bouts of song.), gossip (loved those almost-nightly trips to Faidah and Nadiah's room and that -discussion- session with my roomie Vivian :D), cam-whoring and Very Short Shopping Sprees. Special shout-outs to mah dinner gang- Faidah, Nadiah, Victoria, Xue Han and Yi Ting for making every meal (with the exception of lunch at the salt mine) so memorable, funny and full of lame jokes. I really looked forward to mealtime because of you guys. ((: OH AND WE WENT THERE TO SING RIGHT. Haha. I am proud to announce, that at the International Krakow Choir festival, the TPJC Choir came in first for the Youth Choir category and tied third for Sacral Music. XD We were cheering like crazy on stage luh (okay at least some of us were, yours truly included) when we heard the results, having adopted a somewhat prepared-for-the-worst mindset prior to this. THE TROPHY IS SUPER HEAVY!! Pictures both nice and not-so-nice, glam and unglam are up on Facebook. :) (Though it doesn't contain all the pictures I'd like to have up there because I've a couple in my phone and the rest were never taken because my camera/battery was wonky. ): ) 17th-27th: Attempted to study, with varying degrees of success. 18th: PW group meeting with Ann Gie, Dawn and Isaac. Deadest discussion ever, but it was quite productive. Hopped over to Mare's in an attempt to mug later because the discussion ended early. 23rd: Mugging session at Natalie's with Fiona, Nat (duh), Si Jia and Tiffany. Nat's mum cooked a fablicious lunch. :D And it was definitely great fun catching up with my fellow 4E2ers. ((: 28th June-1st July: SA1! Okay I may be happy now that it's over, but that happiness isn't going to last until I get my results. I better go sleep now. It's gonna be difficult to prepare cell kit if I'm sleepy. Good morning sunshine. (: Ps: I can't wait for Choir to resume. I really love and enjoy it. To be able to sing, is a great joy and privilege. I thank God for His gift of song. (: |